K8ssandra Image Configuration

Configuring the K8ssandra images to use custom registries or custom images.

Often users find it necessary to configure various properties of the images they are using, this may be to:

  • Use an internal image registry to avoid dependancy on Docker Hub.
  • Use a custom image (for example to customise aspects of the classpath or run customised versions of Cassandra).

cass-operator images

cass-operator manages the Cassandra pod’s images. While the K8ssandraCluster field serverImage can be used to set the Cassandra image, other images (especially config-builder and system-server-logger can only be set via cass-operator.

cass-operator allows the user to provide an ImageConfig to the operator via a ConfigMap, which contains a yaml representation of an ImageConfig specifying image sources.

The location of the mounted ConfigMap is then referenced in the OperatorConfig.

It is important to note that configurations for config-builder and system-server-logger occur in the ConfigMap mounted into the cass-operator deployment, not via the K8ssandraCluster or CassandraDatacenter CRs. Even though the ImageConfig looks like a Kubernetes API extension (and even has a Kind, and ApiVersion), it is not.

To specify a custom image registry, we recommend you create a kustomization which may look something like the following:

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
  - config/deployments/cluster
- target:
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: cass-operator-manager-config
  patch: |
    - op: replace 
      path: /data/image_config.yaml
      value: |
        # Your custom config goes here. Please refer to `./config/manager/image_config.yaml` for an example
        # of what fields and configurations are available.

Note: there are some complexities in changing these configurations at runtime. In particular:

  1. The ImageConfig ConfigMap will be automatically updated in the pod filesystem when it changes, but changes will not take effect until the Operator is restarted.
  2. If a CassandraDatacenter is already running, the new image configurations will not be automatically applied. The CassandraDatacenter needs to be deleted and re-created in order for the changes to take effect.

Cassandra, Stargate, Medusa and Reaper images

The images for Reaper, Stargate, the short lived JMX container within the Cassandra pods, and the Cassandra/management-api containers can be also set via the K8ssandraCluster CR as follows:

apiVersion: k8ssandra.io/v1alpha1
kind: K8ssandraCluster
  name: test
    registry: <my-registry>
    repository: <my-repository>
    image: <my-image>
    name: <my-name>
    tag: <my-tag>
    pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
    pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>
  serverImage: <<custom-registry/my-jmx-container-image:custom-tag>>
      registry: <my-registry>
      repository: <my-repository>
      image: <my-image>
      name: <my-name>
      tag: <my-tag>
      pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
      pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>
    size: 1
      registry: <my-registry>
      repository: <my-repository>
      image: <my-image>
      name: <my-name>
      tag: <my-tag>
      pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
      pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>
      registry: <my-registry>
      repository: <my-repository>
      image: <my-image>
      name: <my-name>
      tag: <my-tag>
      pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
      pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>
    serverVersion: "4.0.1"
      - metadata:
          name: dc1
        k8sContext: kind-k8ssandra-0
          registry: <my-registry>
          repository: <my-repository>
          image: <my-image>
          name: <my-name>
          tag: <my-tag>
          pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
          pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>
        ServerImage: <<custom-registry/my-jmx-container-image:custom-tag>>
        size: 1
            storageClassName: standard
              - ReadWriteOnce
                storage: 5Gi
          size: 1
            registry: <my-registry>
            repository: <my-repository>
            image: <my-image>
            name: <my-name>
            tag: <my-tag>
            pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
            pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>
            registry: <my-registry>
            repository: <my-repository>
            image: <my-image>
            name: <my-name>
            tag: <my-tag>
            pullPolicy: <my-pullPolicy>
            pullSecretRef: <my-pullSecretRef>

Some settings (containerImage for Reaper, Stargate, Medusa; and ServerImage and JmxInitContainerImage for the Cassandra pods) can be defined in multiple places, even within the K8ssandraCluster CR.

The configurations will be applied with the following precendence:

  1. Settings defined at the datacenter level of the K8ssandraCluster.
  2. Settings defined at the cluster level of the K8ssandraCluster.
  3. Settings defined in the cass-operator ImageConfig ConfigMap.

Note that - at this time - image configurations for the server-system-logger and server-config-init containers can be configured only through the cass-operator ImageConfig.

Last modified February 3, 2025: Release v1.21.0 (2a77cb4)